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Checklist: How to Develop a Demand Strategy

We all face the same challenges when it comes to driving demand: we can develop great strategies, but budget and resource constraints often get in the way. However, there are proven measures to help ensure success.

When creating your strategy:

Start with data to lay out your goals 

  • Look across your channels and segments and identify where you are not meeting your goals.
  • Select 1-2 of those deficient areas to focus your resources.

Set realistic KPIs that you can grow over time

  • Choose 2-3 KPIs per area you are looking to improve.
  • Project what success looks like in one quarter, two quarters, and one year and make those your goals.

Identify your target audience  

  • Leverage intent data and partner with sales to identify the most promising prospect accounts.
  • Review accounts that may be coming back to your site multiple times but haven’t engaged yet.

Define the customer experience 

  • Use existing data to pinpoint the channels and content to create the experience you want for your prospects.
  • Create/repurpose content.
  • A/B test your content message.
  • Ensure that the content you are putting into your channels match the on-page landing experience.
  • Ungate your content; leverage your web tools and marketing/sales tech stack to identify accounts and their behavior.

Run your campaign 

  • Set up your measurement tools (Google Analytics, Google Data Studio, Marketo/Eloqua dashboards, etc.) and keep them updated.
  • Put your content into market through your channels.
  • Gather data to determine what worked and what didn’t – and why.

Optimize and scale 

  • Use the data from your measurements to adjust your channels and tactics where you didn’t meet your goals.
  • Continue doing what works and grow your target audience and customer experience
  • Add new channels for scale.
  • Run for another quarter.

Identify your next area for funnel optimization 

  • Find prospects who have moved successfully through the current funnel stage and repeat the above steps to create a campaign that moves them to the next stage.
  • Identify where you aren’t realizing your conversion metrics and repeat the above steps to create a new experience.

By following this process, you will have a repeatable path to demand success. Because your business is unique, some of the steps outlined will be more important than others, but whatever your needs, ensuring each step is taken will guide the planning and execution of your demand programs.


To learn more, read our ebook, How to Develop a Demand Strategy.