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10 Ways to Put Intent Data to Work

Intent-Based Marketing Series Part 3

Welcome to the third installment of our Intent-Based Marketing Series. Building on the foundational knowledge established in the first two parts of our series, this guide dives deep into practical applications of intent data across your sales and marketing strategies. By integrating intent data, you can not only improve outcomes at every phase of your sales and marketing process but also drive substantial revenue growth.

Part 1: Quick Start Guide

Part 2: Using Intent at Every Stage of Your Funnel


Here’s what you’ll learn in Part 3:

  • Outsourced lead generation: Explore how partnering with the right lead generation service using intent data can dramatically increase the quality and conversion rates of your leads.
  • Prospecting: Understand how real-time intent signals can transform your prospecting efforts by focusing on the most promising leads.
  • Account prioritization: Learn to identify and act on buying signals that indicate an account’s readiness to engage or buy.
  • Content marketing topics: Gain insights into which topics are actively being researched by your target market to better align your content strategy.
  • Digital campaign ROI: Discover how intent data can enhance the effectiveness of your digital marketing campaigns.
  • Advanced nurture streams: Tailor your nurturing campaigns to more precisely meet the interests and needs of your prospects.
  • Renewals and competitive threats: Use intent data to secure renewals and stay ahead of competitive movements in the market.

Whether you’re a marketer, sales professional, or business owner, this downloadable eBook is an essential tool for unlocking the power of intent data.


Expanding the impact of intent data across your business


Outsourced lead generation

Ready-to-work leads generated through intent data can significantly enhance lead quality over traditional methods. This approach ensures you're engaging leads who have already shown an interest in your offerings, thereby increasing conversion rates and improving ROI.



A steady stream of quality prospects supplied by intent monitoring platforms can revolutionize how you approach sales leads. Intent data provides insights into prospective customers' current interests, allowing for more efficient qualification and engagement processes.


Account prioritization

Intent data allows sales teams to focus on the accounts that are most likely to convert by tracking their engagement levels and identifying spikes in activity that suggest readiness to make a buying decision.


Content marketing topics

By identifying the specific interests of your targets, intent data can help you create content that is more likely to engage and convert. This approach not only improves the relevancy of your content but also enhances your SEO efforts by focusing on the long-tail keywords your audience is actually searching for.


Improved digital campaign ROI

Intent data can be used to refine your target audience for digital campaigns, ensuring that your marketing efforts are focused on individuals and companies that have shown a clear interest in your products or services.


Advanced nurture streams

Customize your lead nurturing streams based on detailed insights provided by intent data. This allows you to engage your prospects with content that addresses their specific concerns and interests, significantly improving engagement and conversion rates.


Renewals and competitive threats

Monitor your existing customers' activities to identify signs that they might be considering competitors' offerings. This enables proactive engagement to enhance customer retention and address any concerns that might lead to churn.


Why intent data is your strategic advantage

Intent data isn't just another tool—it's a transformative element that can redefine how you engage with both prospects and existing customers. With the actionable strategies outlined in this eBook, you can use intent data to:

  • Prioritize and personalize your marketing and sales efforts.
  • Increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your campaigns.
  • Stay ahead of market trends and competitor movements.


Ready to put intent to work?

Start leveraging these strategic insights to enhance your business operations.