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Intent at Every Stage of Your Funnel

Intent-Based Marketing Series: Part 2

Optimize your marketing funnel with buyer intent data

Welcome to the second installment of our Intent-Based Marketing eBook series. If you're looking to enhance your marketing funnel and boost conversions with precision targeting, you've come to the right place. This eBook delves into the strategic application of B2B intent data across every stage of your marketing funnel, offering expert insights to elevate your marketing strategies to new heights.


Here’s what you’ll gain from this guide:

  • Identify buyer intent: Learn how to detect and interpret the digital footprints that signify buyer readiness.
  • Tailor your messaging: Customize your communications to resonate deeply with potential customers at the right moment.
  • Personalized experiences: Craft targeted experiences that effectively guide prospects through the conversion process.


Discover through practical examples how intent data can transform your approach at the:

  • Awareness stage
  • Consideration stage
  • Conversion stage
  • Loyalty stage

This information is designed to help marketers like you enhance your marketing strategy with B2B intent data. Download the eBook now and start leveraging intent at every stage of your funnel.

We also encourage you to check out Part 1 our intent data eBook series, Quick Start Guide to Intent-based Marketing. Followed by the final eBook in the series, 10 Ways to Put Intent Data to Work.


Expanding the role of intent data in your marketing and sales funnel

Awareness stage:

Intent data can significantly boost your brand awareness campaigns. By analyzing online behaviors, you can create content that aligns perfectly with your targets' current interests. This strategic alignment helps in building a robust foundation, ensuring your brand remains top of mind as prospects become ready to purchase. As demonstrated by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), which achieved a 4:1 ROI by using intent data to acquire new members, the potential for enhancing digital campaign ROI is immense.


Consideration stage:

During this phase, intent data allows you to pinpoint prospects actively researching solutions similar to yours. By integrating intent data into your marketing automation platform, you can trigger highly personalized email campaigns that directly address the prospects' current inquiries, substantially improving email engagement and conversion rates. For instance, Lenovo's intent data-triggered email campaigns resulted in a 32x ROI and a 20% increase in leads, showcasing the profound impact of targeted messaging.


Conversion stage:

At this critical juncture, intent data helps you focus on prospects with the highest buying potential, enhancing your qualifications of MQLs/SQLs and prioritizing your sales efforts effectively. By leveraging intent data, OpenText increased its inquiry to MQL conversion by 25% and MQL to SQL conversion by 30%, demonstrating the efficacy of intent data in optimizing the conversion process.


Loyalty stage:

Beyond acquisition, intent data plays a crucial role in customer retention and satisfaction. It provides insights into customer behavior post-purchase, allowing you to take proactive measures to maintain and deepen customer relationships, thus enhancing lifetime value and reducing churn.


Why intent data is a game changer


Intent data is not just about generating leads; it’s about enriching your entire marketing and sales landscape. From creating more relevant content to optimizing campaign strategies and enhancing customer retention, the implications of intent data are profound. As the digital landscape evolves, the ability to harness and act on intent data will distinguish your brand from the competitive B2B marketplace.


Start optimizing your funnel now

Are you ready to take your marketing efforts to the next level? Contact our team today to explore how intent data can revolutionize your business strategies.