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B2B Marketing Leaders Forum Melbourne 2023


B2B Marketing Leaders Forum Melbourne 2023

Wednesday, November 15 - Thursday, November 16

Anteriad is Pleased to Sponsor the B2B Marketing Leaders Forum in Melbourne.   

This event attracts hundreds of B2B marketing leaders to discuss key topics that impact brand, pipeline, revenue and growth for modern businesses.  From emerging marketing leaders to enterprise CMOs, this engagement will provide insight for business growth and career development.  

Anteriad Presents 

Anteriad’s Jake Phibbs leads panel session, “Doing More with Less: is this the New Norm in Today’s Marketing Landscape?”, for a conversation on the resilience and adaptability of the B2B marketer.  Navigating through a pandemic and now through ongoing economic pressure, marketers are constantly being asked to do more with less – but how?  Panelists will discuss:  

  • The importance of accelerating pipeline, conversions and driving leads across all stages of the funnel 
  • Balancing quantity and quality 
  • The importance of measurable ROI 
  • Company right sizing 
  • Agency work – what to insource vs what to outsource 

Jake will be joined by:  

Lisa Sim, Head of Marketing Japan Asia Pacific – Palo Alto Networks 

Craig Mills, ASIA Pacific Digital Demand Generation – IBM 

Susan Rudolf, Head of Marketing – BMC Software 


For more information and to register, please visit B2B Marketing Leaders Forum Melbourne 2023.