It’s 2023, and with it comes a fresh outlook, and likely, fresh goals to hit. With the uncertain economy, many B2B marketers need to reach their goals with an extra eye towards efficiency and performance. Closing business in today’s environment requires marketers to use their resources as effectively as possible. In this environment, data is critical.
Data can help you identify the prospects with the highest likelihood to buy, the clients with the greatest need for additional products and services, and the new stakeholders who have become critical to the buying process. What’s more, data can help you measure your campaigns effectively so you can confidently allocate your budget and prove your success to your executives.
Consider Anteriad as a key partner in this data-driven marketing approach. I am extremely proud of our team for our recent placement in the top 1% of the Neutronian Data Privacy Scores, a report that verifies and ranks more than 1,500 data providers on their data privacy. You may recall that we are also one of the few data providers who have taken the extra step to go through the rigorous data quality certification process with Neutronian, placing us as a true leader in data quality and privacy.
Our data is also here to help marketing leaders focus their efforts on immediate and lasting success. I recently wrote a Forbes article about the need to expand the buying group to include new titles like Chief Privacy Officer and Chief Digital Officer. Every marketer has a different buying group, with different titles that are emerging in their industry - from Rev/Ops to VP of Risk. Knowing more about those key stakeholders can be the extra insights that puts you in front of your customers faster than your competition.
We’re excited to have another full slate of events in 2023 - some we’re attending and many that we’re hosting. We’ll be in San Francisco at the end of February for RampUp 2023 and we’ll be in Scottsdale for B2BMX.
We’re also hosting Get In Front, Tampa!, taking place in mid-March. You can check out some early information and book your spot now - more information on the agenda will be coming soon, but expect the real client success stories, detailed sessions to help you solve tough problems, and inspiration and innovation that we highlight at all of our Get In Front events. Our goal in 2023 is clear - to help you get in front and widen your lead. This year might be starting off with some economic uncertainty, but we’re here to give you insights, support and solutions that make your path to success as clear as possible.