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McKenna CrainJuly 31, 20246 min read

Proven strategies from Gen Z and Millennial marketers

As more Millennials and Gen Z marketers step into decision-making roles in B2B marketing, we're seeing notable shifts in how they operate compared to their more seasoned peers. These younger marketers are keenly aware of how quickly customer behaviors are changing, and they’re adapting their strategies to stay ahead. Digging into our latest research, we identified some big differences that set these marketers apart. 

Staying in tune with changing behaviors 

One of the primary reasons Gen Z and Millennial marketers are so attuned to changing buying behaviors is that they are at the forefront of these changes themselves. As digital natives, they are accustomed to spending extensive time online researching before making any purchasing decisions. They notice that their customers are following a similar pattern, prompting them to adapt their marketing strategies accordingly. 

Growing confidence in audience understanding 

A notable difference between younger marketers and their older counterparts is their confidence in understanding their audience. Gen Z and Millennial marketers report higher confidence levels in targeting the right personas and ideal customer profiles (ICP). They are nearly 3x as likely as Boomers to report they are extremely confident targeting the right personals and ICP and 1.45x more likely than Gen X. This confidence translates into more effective personalization efforts and higher engagement rates. 

  • Persona targeting: These marketers prioritize understanding their buyer personas and lean on data to ensure they’re targeting the right people. By understanding the specific needs, preferences, and pain points of their audience, they can create highly targeted and personalized marketing campaigns. 
  • Personalization efforts: With a deep understanding of their audience, Gen Z and Millennial marketers can deliver personalized experiences at every touchpoint. From tailored email campaigns to customized content, they ensure that each interaction is relevant and valuable to the customer. They’re highly confident in their personalization efforts. 63% of Gen Z and Millennials report they are extremely confident they personalize campaigns effectively compared to 42% of Gen X and 32% of Boomers. 

Take time to develop detailed buyer personas. Create comprehensive buyer personas that include demographic information, pain points, preferences, and buying behavior. Use these personas to guide your marketing strategy and ensure that your content resonates with your target audience. 

Look at your current and past customers and conduct surveys, interviews, and market research to gather data about your target audience. Use this information to create detailed personas and update them regularly based on new insights. 

Take personalization seriously. Leverage data and insights to deliver personalized experiences across all touchpoints. Use marketing automation tools to segment your audience and tailor your messages accordingly. 

Implement a personalization strategy that includes personalized emails, targeted ads, and customized content. Monitor the performance of your personalized campaigns and adjust your strategy based on the results. If you don’t have the data you need to effectively personalize, work with a data partner to get what you need. 

Understanding the non-linear buying journey 

Unlike the old-school linear buying journey, today's B2B customer journey is far more complex and involves multiple decision-makers. Gen Z and Millennial marketers are more likely to use buying group scoring, which helps them understand and target each member of the buying group effectively. These younger marketers are 16% more likely to use buying group scoring than Gen X and more than 2x as likely to use this scoring methodology than Boomers. 

  • Buying group scoring: By analyzing the engagement behavior and influence of each group member, these marketers can tailor their messages and provide relevant content to each stakeholder. This approach ensures that all decision-makers are engaged at the best time in the buying journey and informed, leading to more efficient and effective marketing efforts. 

Get to know your buying group. Implement buying group scoring to identify and target each decision-maker in the buying process. Tailor your marketing messages to address the specific concerns and interests of each group member.  

Use CRM and marketing automation tools to track the titles and engagements of each member of the buying group. From there, you can develop personalized content and targeted campaigns for different roles within the buying group. 

Embracing new tactics 

To keep up with the evolving landscape, Gen Z and Millennial marketers are not afraid to experiment with new marketing tactics. For instance, they’re more likely than older generations to leverage influencer marketing and video marketing. 

  • Influencer marketing: Recognizing the power of social proof, these marketers are partnering with industry influencers to build credibility and reach wider audiences. Influencers can offer authentic endorsements that resonate well with their followers, making it an effective, though potentially underutilized, strategy in the B2B space. 
  • Video marketing: With the rise of platforms like YouTube and LinkedIn, video content has become a crucial component of marketing campaigns. These younger marketers understand that video can effectively communicate complex information in a digestible and engaging format. 

Take a page from Gen Z and Millennial marketers’ playbook and embrace new tactics like influencer and video marketing. Testing these tactics doesn’t need to be complicated.  

Start identifying and building relationships with influencers in your industry. These could be industry experts, thought leaders, or even satisfied customers who have a significant following. Create a strategy to leverage their influence for authentic endorsements and broader reach. 

How to get started? Identify at least five potential influencers in your industry. Begin by following them on social media, engaging with their content, and exploring potential partnership opportunities. 

Investing in video marketing is a great way to engage your audience with different content. Develop a video marketing strategy that includes a mix of educational, testimonial, and product demonstration videos. Utilize platforms like LinkedIn and YouTube as well as deploy them in your programmatic advertising strategy to reach your audience wherever they spend their time. 

Staying up-to-date on technology 

Technology is evolving at a breakneck pace, and Gen Z and Millennial marketers are adept at staying on top of the latest trends. They are quick to embrace cutting-edge tools and platforms, including artificial intelligence (AI), to enhance their marketing strategies. 

  • Artificial intelligence: AI is transforming B2B marketing by offering insights into customer behavior, automating routine tasks, and personalizing content at scale. Younger marketers are leveraging AI to analyze data, predict trends, and create highly personalized marketing campaigns that resonate with their target audiences. They are much more likely to report they see positive impacts of AI in their job than older generations. 

Keeping current with technology trends is critical to staying ahead. Allocate a portion of your marketing budget for new technology and tools. Attend webinars, workshops, and conferences to stay informed about the latest advancements and best practices in marketing technology. Experiment with AI-driven marketing tools to automate tasks, analyze data, and personalize content. 

Follow the Gen Z and Millennial marketers’ lead  

Gen Z and Millennial marketers are seeing success because they are putting in the work to keep up with changing buying behaviors. They are embracing new tactics like influencer and video marketing, understanding the complexity of the modern buying journey, staying up-to-date on the latest technology, and demonstrating high confidence in their ability to target the right personas.  

By following these actionable steps, B2B marketers can adapt to the evolving landscape and achieve similar success. As these younger marketers continue to innovate and adapt, they are setting new standards for B2B marketing and driving impressive results for their organizations. 



McKenna Crain

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