2023 provided many twists and turns in the PPC Landscape. This was a year that had marketers looking for new and creative ways to further develop business…or perhaps maintain that of years prior. But what if I were to tell you there’s a simple yet effective solution that costs nothing, is accessible to all users, and only requires your voice?
The Voice Search Revolution is rapidly redefining how users input their search queries into Google and Bing. Digital Assistants like Siri and Alexa have eliminated the need for a keyboard and B2B marketers can capitalize on this ongoing phenomenon.
Before diving into some optimization tactics let’s first answer the obvious question:
What is voice search?
Voice search is the use of virtual search assistants that allow users the ability to vocalize their questions using speech recognition systems that transform what they are saying into text. From here the text is then input as a Search Query onto the device’s default search engine platform and presents the user with relevant results. This is important for us to know because if implemented correctly onto your paid search campaigns, it could redefine the volume of traffic your campaigns are receiving from a variety of device types.
Don’t just take my word for it: Statistics further support the growth of this latest trend. According to SEMRush, as of October 2023, 62% of Americans utilize their virtual search assistants on any device, with 45% of those searches coming directly from mobile devices. The intent behind the majority of these searches is to gather information about a specific product or service. If voice search isn’t considered when optimizing your campaigns, you are exposing yourself to limitations in your brand awareness for both existing and prospective customers. But, if you work voice search considerations into your paid search strategy you’ll be able to set yourself up for success.
Optimizing for voice search
So now that we’ve gone over what voice search is and its importance, the only question at hand is how can we optimize our campaigns to get the most out of it?
- Keyword expansion: Reviewing the search queries that drive traffic to campaigns is always an important practice that is only further emphasized by the rise of voice search. However, one thing to note is that voice search queries differ from typical text search because it factors in phrases that would commonly be used in real-life dialogue. Gauge which search queries would be used in normal conversation and consider targeting more long-tail keywords. I personally recommend using Google’s Keyword Planner to help determine what keywords to target because it provides valuable insights, such as average monthly search volumes, a range of high or low competition if you were to bid on a specific keyword, year over year changes in the keyword’s search volume, and the cost of the keyword’s highest/lowest top of page bid.
- Ad copy revisions: Keeping your ad copy up-to-date is critical in attracting your business’ intended audience. When creating your new and improved ad copy, have your headlines and descriptions focus on the answers to the search queries your campaign typically receives by including the keywords from your keyword expansion plan.
- Utilizing call extensions: Using extensions on your campaigns is one of the most efficient and easiest ways to increase your ad’s visibility among all users. Call extensions in particular are important assets to include in your campaigns because it allows the user to have an easier online experience by presenting them with the option to call your business directly from the voice search.
- Target mobile devices: With the dominance of voice search among the specific device, one of the clear-cut solutions to optimizing your paid search campaigns toward mobile devices is to increase your bid adjustment at a device level. This allows your ads to appear more frequently which in turn could lead to a greater demand for your business’ products/services from consumers.