Read Anteriad’s CEO October recap and leadership insights. This month, Rob is focusing on AI, building an AI strategy, and considerations for the data that goes into it.
I spent some time on the road this month and enjoyed some great conversations with B2B marketers. I was on a panel about AI at a recent event with Outsell, and it was clear how much more urgently B2B marketers are considering AI than even a year ago. Chat GPT was introduced this time last year. It is a free program, which means that B2B marketers, their buyers and their competitors have equal access to the same technology. The real competitive differentiator isn’t the AI itself, but the way it’s applied and the data that goes into it. AI can analyze outdated, poorly managed information and come up with a bad result. With rich, high quality data, AI is extremely powerful.
Anteriad combines quality data with innovative AI to get B2B marketers faster, further. We apply AI, machine learning and large language models to analyze data and intent at scale to help B2B marketers activate for results.
As you consider your AI strategy, don’t forget about what goes into it. One key example is the use of critical B2B buyer insights like intent data, which helps drive measurable results for top performing B2B marketers. Anteriad is the only B2B marketing solution that uses intent data through the full funnel, from account list activation to real time campaign optimization using AI and machine learning. We also deliver unique intent capabilities. With BNZSA inTNT, we are constantly analyzing lead activity and augmenting our intent data using AI-driven analytics. Hundreds of thousands of monthly conversations in EMEA between BNZSA-trained agents and business buyers in multiple native languages are analyzed by AI for intent signals, driving real-time customer results and supplementing Anteriad’s incredibly powerful global intent offering with validated compliant intent signals. To understand where you fall across the intent data spectrum, take our Intent Data Quiz. You may have opportunities to get more from your investment.
I was also recently in Milwaukee for one of our regional customer Get In Front! Events. Talking to customers, it’s clear that elements like AI and intent data are only as good as the results they produce. B2B marketers are focused on a growth combination of new acquisition and customer retention. Each requires its own data-driven strategy to find and nurture the best leads and understand how to retain – and grow – the best customers. Using every signal available to create smart models and targeted outreach with relevant content requires an end-to-end strategy – something we deliver for our B2B customers every day.
The need to acquire new customers and grow current customers is global, which is why we’re investing in new locations, including Australia. Our team there will be at the B2B Marketing Leaders Forum in Melbourne addressing how B2B marketers can use data, AI and other B2B marketing innovations to get in front of their next customer faster and grow their customer base more effectively.
Wherever your company operates, I hope you reach out to Anteriad to make the most of your data, access new insights and apply the latest AI-driven solutions to your B2B marketing strategy.