
Creating a Cycle of Success in 2H 2024

Written by Rob Sanchez | June 21, 2024

As we round the corner into the second half of the year, things are looking bright for B2B marketers. In our recent study with Ascend2, we found that confidence builds upon itself. B2B marketers who are highly confident that they have the right data strategy in place are three times more likely than those with less confidence to have seen a significant increase in revenue in the last year. Success creates more confidence, creating a positive cycle. 


Anteriad is here to create that cycle of confidence for B2B marketers with quality data and data-driven marketing strategies that drive results. It’s important to note that B2B marketers in our study found that quality data was both their top priority and their biggest challenge. Having the right data partner is the most critical component of successful marketing.


Building on quality data with smart multichannel marketing is the next step in creating a positive cycle. Gartner found that three-quarters of business leaders prefer a self-guided experience, which requires B2B marketers to deliver well-targeted content and messaging throughout that journey. Two of the most effective are content syndication and programmatic advertising, which deliver relevant thought leadership and personalization. Our study found that marketers using both programmatic and content syndication are almost twice as likely to have seen a significant revenue increase last year.


While content syndication and programmatic advertising deliver performance lift for many B2B marketers, every business has a different mix of tactics that work best. Finding the right mix requires a willingness to try new tactics, test and improve over time.


Anteriad worked with SHRM to develop a multichannel marketing strategy that drove a 4x ROI, that illustrates how quality data and the right mix can create a winning combination. SHRM needed to pivot from office-oriented marketing like direct mail to online tactics during the pandemic. First, we helped them create a data strategy to identify buyers even if they worked from home. We then tested a variety of thought leadership content with a focus on email and other digital channels. SHRM not only saw a huge return on their efforts, they were set up to evolve with their online-first audience over time. 


If you’re ready to create a positive cycle of improvement with quality data and the right multichannel marketing mix, let’s work together.